
Gout Treatment and Surgery in Lake Stevens

Gout Treatment and Surgery in Lake Stevens

Gout Treatment and Surgery in Lake Stevens

Foot pain can really be problematic, as we spend so much time on our feet during the day. Any foot problem can really slow someone down. It is common for a patient to wake up in the middle of the night with throbbing pain in the foot. One of the best things to do when a person is in pain is to visit a podiatrist. More than likely, the problem is not extremely serious and can be treated with habit changes or medication. One of the most common causes of foot pain, especially throbbing pain, is gout. Here at the Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, we want to ensure that all of our patients can sigh a sigh of relief when they walk. For those with recurring and throbbing foot pain, we recommend learning a little more about our specialties and services like gout treatment and surgery in Lake Stevens.

Gout is a form of arthritis that is much more common in men than women. Why this occurs is unknown, but a flare-up can be very painful for the patient that experiences it. It is thought that gout is linked to poor eating habits. Eating too much red meat or beans is linked to gout, not drinking enough water, and imbibing too much alcohol. If the gout is not too severe, patients can often avoid pain with a simple change in diet.

As gout’s cause is the buildup of too much uric acid where the joints meet, sometimes gout must be treated with medication. Foot and ankle X-rays can sometimes determine the best course of action. This is a quick and effective way to relieve painful gout symptoms for most patients. Very few patients who suffer from gout will actually need surgery.

To learn more about working with a podiatrist for gout treatment and surgery in Lake Stevens, or to make an appointment for a consultation, call the Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic today at (425) 482-6663. We want our patients to be happy, healthy, and pain-free.